Mitutoyo Pro 3600 Digital Protractor, Digital Level
A used Mitutoyo 950-316, Digital Protractor, Digital Level, Inclinometer Pro 3600
A high-resolution Mitutoyo digital protractor/level designed for making precise angle measurements in the vertical plane. The instrument can be zeroed at any angular position and directly indicates the angle between the stock and that position when in use to a resolution of 0.01 degree over a range of +/- 10 degrees (0.1 degree over the remainder of the range). When zeroed at the horizontal, readings are provided in the same manner as a spirit level, but with the advantage of a range extending all the way to the vertical.
The specifications are the same as the Mitutoyo 950-318
Resolution: 0.01° (0° to 9.99°) and 0.1° (10° to 90°)
Accuracy ±0.05° (0° to 10°) and ±0.1° (80° to 90°) and ±0.2° (10° to 80°)
Output: RS-232C Compatible
Weight 0.6Kg